What kind of notification will I receive? Things such as water outages, boil orders, snow parking bans, burning bans, events such as Spring/Fall cleanup, electronic recycling, annual carnival, holiday activities, ect.
What number will show on my caller ID? 877.333.9336 or 405.548.2251
What if I am unable to answer the call? If you have voicemail or an answering machine, the message will be left. If your phone rings busy or is not answered, the system will try again later up to 2 more times.
Is my information protected? The Village of Creve Coeur has chosen a third party web-based company hat values protecting your information. They will never sell or share your informatino and use encryption and secure servers.
What if I need to change my phone number? Contact the Creve Coeur Water Department at 309.699.6714 or email the change to watermgr@villageofcc.com